33 years ago... or maybe it was 34?... this awesome lady was born, and the world has been a better place ever since. I would have posted this yesterday, on her actual b-day, but she was on a flight home from Mexico where she was eating guacamole on the beach and partying with Yanni. Cuz that's how she rolls.
In addition to jumping rope, here are some other things you might not know about Ashley.
1. She hates cilantro. What? I know... it's inconceivable. But believe me folks, she is still cool.
2. She is up for anything... and takes her kids on amazing adventures.
Here is a picture of our kids from the time we went to the Columbus Day fair... also called the biggest rip off on the planet. The babies loved every minute of it!
3. She loves Greenvale. ALMOST as much as she loves Waverly. Or at least she loves their t-shirts.
4. She is strong. Who else would challenge the bishop to a push up contest at the annual ward clean up? She didn't beat him in numbers, but some say her form was better.
5. Ashley loves food... which you'd never know by her size 0 body. Plus she's a great cook. You should taste her spaghetti sauce!
6. She is not me. There are still people in our ward, 2.5 years after we both moved in, who can't tell us apart. If you are one of those people and are reading this blog right now, here is your clue: One of us has freckles. Many, many freckles.
7. She is one of the funniest people I've ever met. She has a great sense of humor and messes up well known sayings in ways that are always entertaining.
8. She's a huge fan of reality TV. Who isn't? Her favorites are (in no particular order) Little People, Big world, So You Think You Can Dance, The Bachelor, and the Biggest Loser.
9. She's one of the best dancers I've ever seen. Nobody can break it down in a kitchen (or on a boat, or at Greenvale night, or in a library) like Ashley... even when she has a slipped disc. Just ask the YW about camp this summer!
I love Ashley and am so thankful (get it? I can count it for a thankful post!) she was born. And that she moved to Westchester and married Jon, who is so much fun, and had kids that match up with my kids perfectly, and who loves doing all the same things I do. Leave a comment and tell me something you love about her.
Happy Birthday Ash!!!
(No, it's not Ashley's Mom) Happy Birthday to a real Grade A lady. I just have one question for you. Where do you get all your energy! We think you're awesome!
Love, Betsy and Tim
I heard about Ashley so much from Sara that I wondered if she could live up to the person I had built up in my head. Let me tell you, she was/is everything and more than I thought. The first time I visited Sara it was like I'd known Ash from the womb. She is hilarious and so good for Sara b/c she and Erin can get Sara to do things she would NEVER do - like take 2 kids and a newborn to the beach located in a shady neighborhood. My feet hurt everytime I think about that "beach day" since I forgot to put sunscreen on and ended up with 2nd degree burns. I know Sara has established that they aren't the same person, I am sure that part of the reason I love Ash so much is b/c she is so much like Sara.
Happy Birthday!!!
In my humble opinion, no one is more worthy of a nod than Ashley Pacheo - she's worthy of all the praise and then some. Every time I get a whiff of Ashley I feel more energy. I feel like I can never get enough of her. She is as cool as they come, classy, smart, sexy, beautiful, inspiring, athletic, honest, personable, generous and compassionate. My love for her was solidified when I saw her in the boy shorts and knee socks at JP's soccer party. She must have had 50 kids there and was in complete control. Who else could pull of a digital (is that a calculator?) watch and still look HOT?? Happy Birthday to one of the coolest most lovable women I know!
Ashley is hawt (and cool).
Can I add a couple..?
10. She has rockin' awesome (ada's way to say really cool) hair. You might not know this because it is always in some fun up-do. She needs to be in a Pantene commercial.
11. If not Pantene than some skin care product. She has perfect skin, too!! Sorry to mention the superficial but she's is as Travis put it hawt.
12. She is a great teacher. I have never even seen her teach but I have had two different people tell me to go to her for ideas.
13. She is an amazing mama. I wish she were my kid's mom. They would be swishing down slopes, kicking soccer balls like David B's kids, and fed real food and scriptures before school. She's soooo impressive!!! xoxo & may happy days come to you all year Ashley!
I want to add too.
14. She can Karaoke! I have witnessed this first hand many times. The girl can sing, dance and especially entertain!
15. If you ever get lost with her it becomes a super fun adventure instead of a nightmare.
16. She is extremely HAWT!
17. She's a great friend and I love her!
I could go on and on but I have a super sad little guy that needs to go to bed.
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Ashley! You are so rockin cool! I love you and love knowing you. Can't wait to hear about Mexico!
Happy birthday to Ashley. I love Ashley's positive, cheerful, fun personality. Her happiness and optimistic outlook are contagious. And she is an AMAZING teacher.
I LOVE that she calls me Nana! The first time I met her, I was out visiting Sara and she was having a luncheon for some YOUNG ladies in the ward, and she invited me along with Sara. So very nice and it was yummy.
She is so dang fun to hang out with, and with whom to visit. We've had great visits and outings, gone to dinner, gone to various parks, gone on walks, had a great time at the Colo. Mountain house, tried to figure out how to get into her house when she got locked out after seeing JP off at the bus, etc. I can never get enough of her when I visit NY.
I am so VERY glad that since Sara is far away from the rest of us, that she has super fun Ashley, as a friend.
And yes, she is an awesome mom. I love the way she handles her frisky darling boys.
Sorry this is a little late, but I have been working at the Denver Temple all day and just got on the computer.
Happy Birthday Ashley, and I hope this year will be an awesome one for you and your family.
Nana/Kathleen Lewis
Y = YOUTHFUL (why else do the young women adore her!!)
Ashley you truly are an inspiration and someone I look up to. I am hoping some of your greatness is found in that beautiful name and that my little Ashley will be just like you!! Happy Birthday! XOXO
Ashley, You are very entertaining and I think that is an awesome quality. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
-Amanda Leavitt
please keep the comments coming...they are awesome!!! thanks everyone!
Happy Birthday Ashley! After hearing her life story, and knowing who she is today, I pretty much think that she is a miracle. I'm lucky cuz she's my visiting teacher, and all I expect from her is to be my personal trainer, and whip my butt into shape! that's all! I gotta check out the jump rope workout! Love you Ashley!
I loved reading all about Ashley. Ash is amazing. I love her fun loving, carefree self, and I love her strong, spiritual self. Every time she taught RS I felt like she was speaking just to me. She is inspired and has the spirit with her when she teaches, and I can't imagine a better YW leader. I love Ashley!!! Happy day.
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