
I've been showered

As you will see in the picture below, I didn't have any fun at all at my baby shower.

I know, I know. I look ridiculously happy. Needless to say, it was a great night.

I had good intentions to fully document all the fabulous food and people, but I ended up having way too much fun to take pictures. I asked around, and turns out no one took pictures of the food. When I explain what the food choices were I think you will understand. It is hard to take pictures of food when your focus is on eating food.

The menu was an array of delectable homemade appetizers including:

-Mini grilled sandwiches with porcini mushrooms and fontina cheese. You can catch a glimpse of them being grilled by miss Laura in the picture below

-Mini crab cakes with cilantro
-Delightfully stuffed mushrooms
-Mini Greek spanakopita quiche bites
-Mini pizzas with prosciutto, fontina cheese, and basil
-An array of every veggie known to man plus yummy dip

Isn't my mom adorable in her polka dot dress? I wonder where she got it - oh wait, I gave it to her! I'm such a good daughter.

And for dessert:
-An array of fruit (kiwi, blackberries, pineapple, strawberries, watermelon, honey dew and blue berries) with chocolate & cream fondue for dipping

Unfortunately I was so distracted by my fabulous guests that I wasn't able to completely eat myself sick (as I would have preferred). But I did get 2 plates of appetizers and 1 plate of fruit and chocolate.

We had food, presents, and lots of fun conversations with the wonderful guests! I would detail my favorite gifts with pictures - but this would be an absolutely impossible feat because everything I received was so adorable!

Thank you to the WONDERFUL hosts (Laura and Leslie) for throwing me such a great party! Aren't they beautiful?

And just for fun, here is a picture of me before the shower at 30 weeks. I really need to find a new spot to take pictures, and a new pose.

I made Dave take 7 of these pictures before I would believe this is what I look like. I was pretty sure it was just the wrong angle with the first six takes. When I came out of the bedroom in this get-up he started chuckling and I said:
"This outfit makes me look really pregnant - huh?"
Dave responded "No...I think it is the belly that makes you look pregnant."

Now that just doesn't make any sense at all.


Yah Yah said...

It was an honor to shower you and I loved the outfit, esp. since the shirt fans out in front. You are such a good "gift recipient" and made a big deal out of each and every present. If we could have party showers as often as we shower in general, wouldn't life be great? My only regret was not doubling the stuffed mushrooms and of course you didn't mention that I CHARRED the first couple of grilled cheese sandwichs. Luckily the guests were no respector of burnt food items as I noticed the burned ones were eaten also.

I'm expecting another post just about the vegetable tray alone since mom spent enough time talking about preparing it to the extent that you would have thought she grew all the veggies herself and made the plate that she set them on.

Anonymous said...

You look hot, Carrie (even though you're getting huge). Loved the shoes.

sara said...

love the post! finally...

i must second what travis said. you look amazing! and mom looks so freaking cute in that dress (which by the way i would like half the credit for since i told you about it in the first place).

again, wish i could have been there. laura and leslie throw a mean party!!!

liz said...

you look cute!!!

i honestly have that exact skirt from h&m so you rock for wearing a normal skirt this far along!!!

Christina said...

Oh you are SO cute!!! That showers looks awesome. I hope your other one will be as fun! :)

di said...

looks like it was amazing--of course! you look great!