

It's not nearly as impressive as Dave's stacking skills... but there are no words to describe how my heart felt when I walked in and saw this:

S was reading Owl Babies to Oz, while holding him on her lap in his crib. My kids are so freaking cute, sometimes I can't stand it.


Kathryn said...

I love this...I am sure there will be many more sweet moments like this to come.

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest picture/scene
EVER. It warms my heart how much Scout and Calder absolutely adore Oz.

carrie said...


Yah Yah said...

I just wish I could hear WHAT S was reading. I definitely think she likes to be "Charles 'in Charge" as evidenced when she and Calder play. She has them going all sorts of places and doing all sorts of things that just crack me up. The best is that he goes right along with it.

Mumsy said...


So adorable.

I melted when my kids were actually happy to see each other one morning and hugged and kissed.

di said...

i love times like that!

Janice said...