
The Mark of a Minivan

Last night Carrie, Erin "Camille"McNeil, and I got together for our monthly girls night. I have to say, these nights are among my most favorite moments in life. Since we all grew up together, we have TONS to talk about and 4 hours pass when I think we've only been chatting for 30 minutes.

Both Erin and Carrie are "quite pregnant" to put it mildly. Carrie is due to deliver 7/29 and Erin 8/7 [but she is measuring 2 weeks early slated to have a 10+ lb baby - YIKES].

As we decided on an eating venue, Erin cheekily declared "well, we got a new car". She finally took the big step and has been blessed with a minivan. We decided to go to Noodles for dinner which is located near a lot of college student housing; but, it is summer so it seemed unlikely that it would be crowded.

We pulled into the 'overflowing' parking lot. Erin, this is her 4Th WHITE car by the way, busted some tricky moves and sidled into a place beating out another car. There aren't many minivans in Boulder, CO. Now if you go 4 miles east to Rock Creek, the number of such cars quadruples, but Boulder is more of the Subaru genre. So I'm sure onlookers expected a load of kids to jump out of the van. Instead, two pregnant women jumped out and then just me [except I couldn't negotiate the "child locked" door and needed rescuing].

We went into the restaurant which was 95% people between the ages of 17 and 23. It was pretty funny.

Anyway my point is, any woman who is fighting against getting a mini van, GO FOR IT. Don't fight it, embrace such a purchase. I love mini vans and almost bought my brother's when he sold it a couple of years ago when they update to the better version of the Odyssey. When I hang out with Rand's kids I invent places we "have to go" so I can drive them in the van. There is nothing to be ashamed of driving this mechanical miracle. If you think that others look and think "well, there is a stay at home mom"; who cares!!!! Why not paint a sign on the van declaring that you are such?


carrie said...

I'd have to agree. Riding in Erin's mini van was officially one sweet ride.

Natalee said...

Amen Sista. Once you have one, you will never go back. Unless you get a Dodge Caravan. Then you might go back.

sara said...

is this post directed at me? the lady who is currently squishing all three kids in the back of a tiny BMW because she can't buy a mini-van? the person who can't carpool, and has to put one of her precious kids in the front seat (don't worry; the airbags turn off) when we have another kid with us?

oh well. to each his own!

Erin said...

Oh Laura - you validate me! I'm remembering Natalee bearing her testimony of the blessings of a mini...how could I go wrong with such oracles?

Yah Yah said...

how funny, i didn't even think about you Sara because I know that just saying the word minivan would send Travis into a state of anafalactic shock. But yes I do have to admit, the Beamer is a bit of a tight squeeze, cool breeze.

Yah Yah said...

how funny, i didn't even think about you Sara because I know that just saying the word minivan would send Travis into a state of anafalactic shock. But yes I do have to admit, the Beamer is a bit of a tight squeeze, cool breeze.

Janice said...

Having been the owner of a minivan for three plus years, I must say they are a great ride. Particularly, when your husband comes from a family of NINE and you often have one or more of them in the car with you.