
Thanksgiving clean up

I really dropped the ball on my final two thankful posts. I had blogged about being thankful for basically every member of my family except for the lewisgirls (including Dave... and Brig) and Travis. I was going to save them for the day before Thanksgiving and the day of, but as it turned out... I was shopping like a madwoman (Stew Leonards! Costco! A+P! Stop N Shop!) to get all the supplies I needed for the the next day, which I spent cooking and cleaning like crazy. So, it left little time for blogging or, to be totally honest, to be thankful. Good thing I had the rest of the month to focus on what I was thankful for. I'll save my rant on Thanksgiving food for another day.

So yes, I'm beyond thankful for Carrie and Dave. Here they are about 3 days before Brig's birth, when they came along with Nana and the kiddos and I to the world famous restaurant, Casa Bontia. As I went through my iPhoto library looking for pictures, it became obvious to me that I really lagged on the blogging this summer and have many posts to make up for, one of which will focus on Casa Bonita. But suffice it to say that Carrie was a REAL trooper to come here with us, since it's not known for the food. The sopapillas were worth the trip though. In this photo progression see how she starts to laugh and loses it along the way. I think we were laughing because I could tell by the view finder that for some reason, in all these pictures she looks like she has no teeth. No idea why. So I kept trying to get one where her teeth were showing, but it wasn't working... and we were laughing too hard by the end to even try any more.

At least you can tell that Dave has teeth. And Scout.

I am so very, very thankful for Carrie and Dave. They are so much fun to be around, and we've shared many an excellent meal where their company and conversation far surpassed the food (the above photos do NOT depict such a meal, sadly. We usually don't document our meals because we're too busy eating, and spending Kathleen and Gordon's money, to take pictures). Both of them always make me laugh, and point out (in a non-offensive way) when I'm being ridiculous. Which practically never happens. If I had one wish it would be to move studioCase to Colorado, so I could live by them (and all the other peeps I love) and hang out all the time. They are the best. But then if you're reading this you probably already know that.
And then there's Yaya, the best aunt and big (older?) sister in the world. She loves us all so much, and showers us with treats and presents and kindness. Plus she has a wicked sense of humor and is always up for going on my many adventures. To the mall. To Target. To Denver. To hike with two kids who really don't want to hike, with one who has a broken foot and is in fact sporting a black cast, while I'm carrying a baby the size of Jabba the Hut in a backpack on my back. She's the best companion; always willing to help out and keep the good conversation going. She's also the world's best question asker, although Nana likes to give her a run for her money.
Here's a picture of Yaya when she drove the little train on the Pearl Street mall. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have volunteered to drive the train if the kids and I weren't in town visiting, but she was the belle of the ball. People were talking to her and flagging her down; it was like being driven by a celebrity. Luckily her fans couldn't see how totally sweaty she was from the heat coming off the engine. Yaya, we love you!!!
And finally. I think I've already posted this picture of Travis, but since he's the family photographer we don't have many of him. I don't even know how to put into words how thankful I am for Travis. Without him, my life would be incredibly different... and I like things just as they are. He works himself nearly to death to provide a wonderful life for his children and me, and provides endless love and support (and entertainment) at the same time. He's not the best at throwing away his candy wrappers, but it's a small price to pay for getting to spend my life with him. I love you Travis. I love you up to the sky.

Enough of that. Let's start talking about Christmas now!!!


carrie said...

What are you doing to me! posting not one, but THREE pictures of me when I was at my all time fattest! And I'm even holding a bottle of honey which I may as well be drinking straight from the container.

oh my, i hated being pregnant. i CAN'T do it again (and will.)

I love you too!

The Crane Family said...

Who doesn't LOVE Casa Bonita!!!)

Yah Yah said...

Casa Bonita is like a mission. Everyone tells you to go, that it is great, fun, life changing, the best meal/two years of my life. Then you go and you think "no one is making a sucker out of me, I'm endorsing this place too." I still remember in college meeting peeps, telling them I was from Boulder and having them exclaim "have you been to Casa Bonita? I've heard it is fabulous". My reply "oh yes, it is amazing, life changing, I learned and ate so much, you most definitely should go".

I think many readers are sad to see November end. What a delight to get so many posts from Sara. Oh how I love you.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about you people, but I was only there for the KIDS!

Natalee said...

These posts are Steve and my Saturday night entertainment. The no teeth photos gave us a good laugh...almost as good as the Ace post.

liz said...

Am I the only person in Colorado that tells the truth to people about Casa Bonita? I tell them it's a fun place to go, but the food is cafeteria Mexican food :(