I would have forced a similar commitment from Yah Yah, but she is way too busy when she gets home every night from work. She has to help me pack for the cabin, unpack from the cabin, make Calder's birthday cake, make Calder's birthday treasure hunt, give Oz a bath, put Calder to bed, comb through the dreadlocks gracing Scout's hair... it's a busy job being my nighttime helper. So there hasn't been a lot of time for idle conversation with her, but hopefully she'll read this post and get inspired to blog more as well.
I have tons of pics I took with my phone this summer, but to kick things off here's a gem. Scout's been into eating red onions (raw) dipped in ketchup. One day I walked in and this was what I found:
Apparently, the onion was a tad strong so she used her goggles to protect her eyes. I wonder what alternative uses she will come up with for her swim cap?
I love this picture!
I'm glad you are back.
oh good! Since I can't be part of your every day life, it's nice to see what you are up to. And you (and Scout) are always so entertaining. I take it you are in Colorado-- enjoy the rest of your vacation!
Believe me, I am committed; however, I just don't have much "blog worthy" stuff in my self centered life. I'm just not sure that stories about
- irate downstairs neighbors
- tax evading clients
- women on pearl street riding bikes with newborns in baby bjorns, and
- preparing for OT weekly sunday school classes
would do anything but put our readers FAST ASLEEP. I'd much rather just comment on my eloquent, clever, and ridiculously witty sisters tell about their lives.
Yeah! I'm glad to have the Lewis girls back too. It was so fun to see you in UT.
loved that post and i love BP (do you know what that stands for)!!!!
loved that post and i love BP (do you know what that stands for)!!!!
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