
Guess what Scout bought with the $10 she found in her backpack?

Yep. It's a leash... for guinea pigs and ferrets.

It was too cold to take Winny outside, so she decided they'd go for a walk on the treadmill instead.

Too bad Winny refuses to move with the leash on. In fact, the only walking she does with the leash is backing up, so she can wriggle out of it. That's 10 bucks down the drain... but an awesome photo op, no?


carrie said...

oh my gosh.

this is the funniest thing i have ever seen.

i really really love that child of yours, and her dedication to walking animals.

can't you get a leash for Oz? She could walk him around...

em said...

she's just adorable. Do you think she'd want to spend the summer in salt lake?

autumn said...

olivia will be so jealous--of the leash AND the guinea pig.
charlotte will be jealous of scout's shirt.

Michelle Glauser said...

lol. :)

Yah Yah said...

She could "run" me on that treadmill, no leash required. What happened to the mechanical horse she wanted for Xmas that she could ride around the neighborhood while "walking" winny?

sara said...

scout read this, and wants you all to know that she is confident that winny will be walking on the leash once she is TRAINED.

so, no worries. she's got it all figured out.

Hilma Bellessa said...

I haven't heard about the pet..that is a big step. If anyone can train him to walk on the tredmil..Scout can.

Hilma Bellessa said...

I haven't heard about the pet..that is a big step. If anyone can train him to walk on the treadmil..Scout can.